Your AI Data Analyst
directly in Metabase

Vazy is a simple and intuitive data analysis co-pilot that helps you manage your decisions

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Vazy is as simple to use as writing

We take care of everything with various state-of-the-art genAI models

Ask a question, your way

We'll clarify your needs to better understand what you are looking for.

Ask a question, your way

Code generation

We take care of writing all the code to get your answers.

Code generation

Interactive dashboards

Forget about spending hours configuring filters.

Interactive dashboards

Explore Key Features

Vazy is the solution that answers all your struggles with data

Best accuracy

Best accuracy

Relying on multiple state-of-the-art retrieval techniques and models

Human in-the-loop

Human in-the-loop

One question = one answer. No silo, no confusion.

Collaborative tool

Collaborative tool

Compatible with Slack and Teams, where the magic happen.

Your data is safe with us

Your data is safe with us

Enterprise-grade storage. GDPR by design, SoC2 compliant in 2024.

Simple, transparent pricing

We're offering 30 discounted subscriptions. ($259 $149)

Early Access (19 spots left)


Ideal for businesses with growing needs and professional support.


Metabase integration

Unlimited questions

Unlimited columns

20 users included

$8/month per additional user

Slack and Teams integrations

Priority support

Vazy Data

Empower decision makers, relieve data analysts

Make every decision data-driven

Frequently asked questions

If you have any other questions, you can contact us byclicking here

To which database does Vazy connect?

How does the onboarding work?

Is my data secure?

Does Vazy work on-premise?